Despite a rough start I am FINALLY on the right path to financial freedom
About Me:
I am a mother of one beautiful baby girl. My purpose of this blog is to track my spending and better manage my money. In the past early teenage years I wasn't so smart with my money and well ended up in debt. I have now began cleaning up my act and ready to become DEBT FREE!! I enjoy listening and learning new ways to save money.
My Debts are as follows:
Motor Vehicle Admin $30- PAID
Medical Bill #1 $30- PAID
Medical Bill #2 $60- PAID
Medical Bill #3 $60- PAID
Red Light Ticket $75 -PAID
Red Light Ticket $110-PAID
Red Light Ticket $125- PAID
Red Light Ticket $150 -PAID
Medical Bill #4 $200
Red Light Ticket $250
Credit Card
#1- Visa $1,012
#2- Mastercard $0- PAID IN FULL
#3- Mastercard $188