Home > Pay raise

Pay raise

January 15th, 2011 at 09:05 pm

Yesterday was payday I received an unexpected pay raise which will increase my paychecks $117 more every two weeks. My plan is to sock away that extra money each month which will give me a little over $3,000 by year end. I am so excited about this and I've also started the new year with a better attitude. I have been carefully monitoring every dollar spent I've started using CASH versus the debit/credit card. I am so surprised at how much money I actually have when I budget it carefully. I think i'm going to pay off a $233 balance on my Mastercard. It may not be much but hey at least I won't have to worry about that bill next month. My second highest interest rate card is my Visa with a balance of $300. Next month i'll concentrate on paying that one off the snowballing method is what I plan to use. Any other tips or suggestions are always welcomed.

2 Responses to “Pay raise ”

  1. Petunia 100 Says:

    Congrats on the pay raise!

    If you want to receive opinions about your budget, debt elimination, or savings rate, you're going to have to provide more info. Smile
    Do you have a written budget? Have you tried Mint?

  2. Jerry Says:

    A pay rise always helps, certainly, and it seems that it leads to you making some real headway with the extra income, rather than blowing it. That is great! Paying attention to spending is the best insurance for knowing how the money is being spent and where it is going. Good luck!

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