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2011 Monthly Expenses/ Yearly Totals

January 12th, 2011 at 01:48 am

Cable $648
Internet $518
Personal Loan $1,536 (4yrs left)
Auto Loan(5yrs left)
Car Insurance $976
Rent $1,048
Cell Phone $1,370
Electricity $1,200
Gas $683

I'm just starting to sit down and tally up my annual expenses. This is a start for me to really see where my money is going and where I really should cut back. My annual salary is about $43k and up until the end of last year I haven't had a clue where my money has been going. I have decided this year to only purchase items that I NEED by setting aside my WANTS and MUST HAVES. LOL I currently have about $1,500 in credit card debt and anothe $1,500 in medical bills. I should have the 3k paid off on all of my debts around mid year if not before depending on my tax refund. I am very open to any suggestions/tips that anyone has on how I can cut back on expenses.